Viability appraisal for Waterbeach New Town East Waterbeach, Cambridgeshire
Table top with Loft style Interior Building Decoration
RLW Estates
Planning & Development
Waterbeach, Cambridgeshire
How we helped
Financial viability
Get in touch
Robert Smith
Partner, Planning & Development
020 7016 0734 Email me About Robert

Carter Jonas prepared and managed the submission of the financial viability assessment on behalf of applicant RLW Estates Ltd (a consortium comprising Royal London, St John’s College, Cambridge and Turnstone Estates) for the Waterbeach New Town East scheme, which forms the eastern part of the wider Waterbeach New Town to the north of Cambridge, with a combined capacity for 11,000 new homes. 

The New Town East scheme secured a resolution to grant outline planning permission from South Cambridgeshire District Council at its planning committee on 29th January 2021, with the new Town West scheme having secured outline planning permission for 6,500 homes in September 2019.  The scheme is for 4,500 dwellings, plus 267,000 square feet of employment space, two local centres, relocated expanded railway station, and a new secondary school, two new primary schools and a sixth-form centre.

Carter Jonas negotiated 30% affordable housing, which is lower than the policy requirement of 40% and reflects the high level of infrastructure costs and s.106/278 contributions required to deliver the scheme.

Depiction of Waterbeach New Town
Map of development in Waterbeach new town