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Carter Jonas secures permission for new housing development at appeal
Date of Article
Aug 31 2015

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31 August 2015, Acting on behalf of Mactaggart and Mickel, the Oxford Planning team has won a planning appeal for a residential development scheme on land off Bredon Road, Tewkesbury. The outline planning permission provides for the development of up to 68 new homes with associated open space.

The planning application was originally refused by Tewkesbury Borough Council’s planning committee, against officer recommendation, principally on landscape grounds. Despite an extant consent for 23 residential units on part of the application site, the Planning Committee felt the proposal for up to 68 dwellings would represent significant encroachment into the surrounding rural landscape which would have a harmful impact upon the character and appearance of the landscape and setting of the river valley…

The Project Team, led by Ian Gillespie (Partner, Carter Jonas), successfully argued at appeal that the development would not harmfully alter the wider character of the landscape or result in unacceptable visual effects. Importantly, the Inspector concluded that the potential limited landscape harm caused by the development would not significantly and demonstrably outweigh the benefits.

Carter Jonas will be presenting the site to the market in due course.