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- Date of Article
- Jul 20 2009
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Defra and the Welsh Assembly Government (WAG) are seeking views on how the revised EU Waste Framework should be transposed into UK law. This is the first of two planned consultations on how new provisions required under the legislation should be implemented.
The provisions include the target for recycling 50% of household waste by 2020 and the possibility of increasing new producer responsibility regulations, as well as a requirement to promote both reuse and the separate collection of bio-waste, such as food.
The first consultation asks questions about key issues including:
- ensuring re-use is considered when producers are deciding how to treat their waste
- whether England and Wales are taking the correct approach to reaching directive targets
- the promotion of re-use
- achievement towards targets in respect of non-hazardous construction and demolition waste
- the separate collection of biodegradable waste
- whether waste prevention plans should be national or council-specific
The document also seeks views on end-of-waste criteria that are currently being developed at a European level.
Energy from waste is likely to qualify as recovery. Views are sought on the R1 formula which is used to assess the efficiency of recovery and the extent to which the process can assist waste reduction.
Responses from the consultation, which closes on October 9, will lead to a further consultation exercise in 2010, on the actual draft regulations. The deadline for the transposition of the Directive is 12 December 2010.
Carter Jonas has considerable experience in the waste sector through the design and development of waste management facilities and the provision of advice on European, national and local policy. Experts in our Minerals & Waste Management Division would be happy to advise you on this important consultation.