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Heck Sausages Expands with the help of Carter Jonas
Date of Article
Nov 11 2015

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11 November 2015, A farming family with a long standing association with the Harrogate Planning and Development team have been crowned the Telegraph’s Festival of Business award winners. Click here to read the Telegraph article. Debbie and Andrew Keeble of Heck Foods have instructed Carter Jonas to assist with a planning application for the development of a new 30,000sqft production, warehouse plus visitor centre in North Yorkshire.

Heck has outgrown its current premises and the Harrogate Planning Team has been advising both the company and site owner to find a mutually beneficial use for this otherwise redundant farmstead site. Ahead of submitting the planning application, an extensive property search and evaluation of the planning and practical merits of this site as a solution to the needs of the business were undertaken.

The move to purpose-designed manufacturing premises adjacent to the A1M will enable the firm to consolidate its business from three sites, more than double employment in this rural location, as well as firmly connect the business to its North Yorkshire roots. The visitor/education element follows Hecks innovative business approach and clear desire to broaden the appeal of their business and positive role it can have in engaging young people and customers in understanding the opportunities within, and demystifying some of the myths associated with, the food industry.

Heck Food has traded since 2013 with the owners Debbie and Andrew Keeble having been involved in branded food manufacturing for over 15 years and, prior to that, in the agricultural sector on their family farm.

With the launch of Heck Food in April 2013 into the wider retail market an excellent start has been made with turnover growing from £600,000 in the first six months of operation to £2.4 million in the first financial year, £5.5 million in the second financial year and a predicted £8 million turnover for the present year.  The forecasted business growth remains buoyant in the light of now established contracts with:

  • Tesco
  • Waitrose
  • ASDA
  • Morrisons
  • Booths

Heck have also been sponsors of the Carter Jonas Yorkshire Pedalthon with David Boulton and John Hoddinott (Planning and Rural Teams respectively) advising both the present landowner (Kirklington Estates) and Heck to enable a mutually beneficial future for this redundant site and a solution for the needs of this growing business.